Leadership is provided by our Board of Directors to provide governance and vision for the work of Wilson Forward. We also have a Board of Advisors to guide and support our efforts. The collaborative work of Wilson Forward would not be possible without our partners who align and contribute to building community goals.
The Wilson Forward Board of Directors is representative of our community’s rich business, civic, and cultural diversity. They represent our community’s broad range of leadership and contribute significant amounts of time, talent, and energy to ensure the growing vitality of Wilson County.

Ryan Simons
President, Wilson Chamber of Commerce

Christy Proctor
Owner Operator, Chick-fil-A Wilson
Member at Large​

Wes Berry
VP Market President, Truist
Financial Services Representative

Vice President
Michael Jones
President, 3C Store Fixtures
Member at Large

Member at Large
Dr. Doug Searcy
President, Barton College

Betsy Peters Rascoe
President, Design Dimension, Inc.
Member at Large
Ex Officio board representatives are members of Wilson Forward by virtue of holding specific offices in anchor institutions of Wilson.

Grant Goings
City of Wilson
City Manager

Paula Benson
Healthcare Foundation of Wilson
Executive Director

Dr. Jami Woods
Wilson Community College

Ron Hunt
Wilson County
County Manager

Dr. Lane Mills
Wilson County Schools Superintendent

Jennifer Lantz
Wilson Economic Dev. Council
Executive Director

Lindy White
Wilson Medical Center

Keven Zepezauer
Wilson Times
President and Publisher

Judi Thurston
United Way of Wilson
Executive Director

Brandt Harrell
Wilson County Tourism
Executive Director
Elected board representatives are members of Wilson Forward by nomination and approval from the board to hold office for a specified term.

Thad Sharp
Sharps Farm
Agribusiness Respesentative

Savannah Story
Schmidt Law
Judicial Representative

Mayor Carlton Stevens
City of Wilson Representative
Mayor, City of Wilson

Candice Rountree
Wilson County
Appointed Representative
YGIG/Foundation YMCA of Wilson

Mayor Tommy Hawkins
Wilson County Representative
Mayor, Town of Saratoga

Dr. Carol White
Faith Representative

Joni Tyson
Diversified Opportunities , Inc.
​NonProfit Representative

Maria Ramirez
Wilson Leadership Institute Representative
Wilson Medical Center

Dr. Charles Murphy
Community Representative
At- Large Member