In March of 2018, the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson funded a six-month planning and evaluation study to explore the feasibility of a new after-school program to positively impact the lives of middle school students in Wilson. This study was led jointly by Healthcare Foundation of Wilson and Wilson Forward, reflecting the close partnership and alignment of the two organizations to benefit the community.
In October of 2018, The Healthcare Foundation of Wilson committed $22 million dollars to launch the establishment of the program for Wilson County middle-schoolers in a new state of the art YMCA that will be located in downtown Wilson. Wilson Forward is proud to be part of this collaborative effort as we work together to improve the future opportunities for the youth of our community.
Community partners from all sectors will be important to the design and implementation of this exciting program. We are committed to working with the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson and the Wilson YMCA to build and support partnerships that will offer career exploration, health and wellness, and academic success for our local students.
The Youth Master Plan originated through a partnership of Wilson Forward and Wilson County Schools to bring together educators, parents, community members, nonprofits, businesses, churches, law enforcement, and government agencies to work together on five key focus areas where attention and action were warranted — Education and Workforce, K-12 Academic Achievement, Health and Wellness, Out of School Time, and Safety. The many achievements recognized through the implementation of this plan have assured us that we are a community who cares about each and every child.
As stated in the original plan document, this Plan is not the end, but instead, it is the beginning of a journey for us to serve our youth and to provide a brighter future built upon strong community relationships. The Youth Master Plan Final Report highlights many of the goals achieved since the Plan’s development in 2014. The success demonstrated by each team is the result of numerous community partners who are dedicated to improving the outcomes for all youthin Wilson.