Wilson Wellness Collaborative represents a cross-sector collaboration of community stakeholders committed to the improvement of health and wellness in Wilson by working to achieve the following goals:
The residents of Wilson will be physically healthy
The residents of Wilson will be emotionally healthy
The youth of Wilson will have healthy beginnings
Wilson Forward serves as the facilitator to numerous community partners who are providing diverse resources, experiences, and leadership to the structure and implementation of a holistic approach to community health. Wilson Forward is facilitating the development of a collaborative community health plan with the joint leadership of Teresa Ellen (Wilson County Health Department) and Candice Rountree (Wilson County Dept of Social Services). Our stakeholders recognize that the most effective strategies for improving the long-term health of our population must have a central focus on the social determinants of health.
By setting social determinants of health as a priority in this collaboration, the Wilson Wellness Collaborative will address some of the most significant influences to the health of our population. The Plan presents the identified goals and actions for programs and practices that will promote health and wellness in the Wilson community.

Background and Overview
WWC News and Resources
In October of 2018, community stakeholders from various sectors gathered to discuss the priorities and process for this collaborative health plan. Guided by a planning committee comprised of leadership from the Wilson County Health Department, Wilson County Department of Social Services, Wilson Forward, Wilson Medical Center, United Way of Wilson County, and the Healthcare Foundation of Wilson, the group convened 10 collaborative planning sessions with community partners from numerous organizations representing most sectors in Wilson.
Through these planning sessions and building upon the successful work of two previous community plans led by Wilson Forward (the Beyond 21 and the Youth Master Plan of Wilson County), the group identified 7 interconnected focus areas to guide the process, priorities, goals and actions of the Wilson Wellness Collaborative plan development:
Nutrition/physical activity/obesity
Substance misuse
Food insecurity
Affordable housing
Mental health and trauma
Early screenings and detection
Teenage pregnancy and STI’s
PreK/early intervention
In May of 2019, the Wilson Wellness Collaborative plan was presented to over 70 community partners. A culmination of 8 months of collaborative planning and community partner input, the Wilson Wellness Collaborative plan was drafted to guide the strategic work of the initiative in its area of focus. Designed as a living document, the plan works to both guide the Wilson Wellness Collaborative towards its identified goals, and adapt as new opportunities and challenges are presented to the community.
The Wilson Wellness Collaborative meets 6 times per year to provide updates on new and ongoing initiatives, identify and implement new strategies for community support and strengthen community partnerships that support the work of the WWC.
Community Partners
Committee Co-Chairs:
Laura Owens (Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc.)
Lori Walston (Wilson County DSS)
Initiative Facilitator:
Wilson Forward
Collaborating Agencies/Organizations:
AmeriCorps VISTA
Barton College
Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc.
City of Wilson
Community Impact North Carolina
Diversified Opportunities Inc.
Wilson County Emergency Medical Services
Healthcare Foundation of Wilson
Hope Station
Integrity Unlimited CDC
Land of Learning
Legal Aid of NC
N.C. Cooperative Extension, Wilson County
Next Step Life Coaching
OIC of Wilson
Salvation Army/Project CATCH
Seeds of Hope
United Way of Wilson
Upper Coastal Plain Council of Government
Vidant Health
Wesley Shelter
Wilson Chamber of Commerce
Wilson County 4H Youth Development
Wilson County Partnership for Children
Wilson County Public Library
Wilson County Health Department
Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition
Wilson Community College
Wilson County Department of Social Services
Wilson County Schools
Wilson Crisis Center
Wilson Education Partnership
Wilson Family YMCA
Wilson Forward
Wilson Housing Authority
Wilson Medical Center
Wilson Police Department
Wilson Pregnancy Center