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The North Carolina Four-Year Cohort Graduation Rate reflects the percentage of ninth graders (their cohort) who graduated from high school four years later.


Education is an important predictor of health and future success. Completing more education is associated with being less likely to smoke and more likely to exercise, as well as better physical health and self-reported health.[1-3] Adults that are more educated are more often employed and tend to earn more than their less educated counterparts.[3] A 1-point increase in high school GPA raises annual earnings in adulthood by about 12% in males and nearly 14% in females.[4,5]

Community Focus Areas:

In the development of the Youth Master Plan, the following focus areas were established:

  • Plans have been created for district-wide training and implementation to support learning in all grade levels

  • Parent resource nights are held throughout the year focusing on supporting students’ academic needs at home and school with a particular emphasis on literacy support and instruction.

  • WCS has developed curriculum frameworks which are aligned to state standards and include online resources, graphic organizers, and aligned assessments and are accessible through the district website.

  • School Improvement Plans for schools will align to district improvement plans and be monitored by Senior Staff and district personnel.

  • Senior Staff is tracking and monitoring student attendance and discipline incidents and analyzing the data with principals

Source: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Note: Data is measured annually.

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