Access to Exercise Opportunities measures the percentage of individuals in a county who live reasonably close to a location for physical activity. Locations for physical activity are defined as parks or recreational facilities.
Increased physical activity is associated with lower risks of type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and premature mortality, independent of obesity. The role of the built environment is important for encouraging physical activity. Individuals who live closer to sidewalks, parks, and gyms are more likely to exercise.[38,53-55]
Community Focus Areas:
Increasing access to local outdoor recreation by finding funding resources and expansion opportunities for the existing community wide bike path/walking trail master plan, greenway development plan, and paddle (water) trail plan
Identifying and promoting affordable options for pre-recorded exercise videos and presentations
Installing and promoting the community’s use of walking tracks at all local schools
Establishing exercise locations and educational programs to provide appropriate equipment and training in underserved communities
Supporting and connecting the grants awarded to numerous community efforts to increase access to exercise
Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Note: Data is measured annually.
Date of Report Vs. Date of Data
Robert Wood Johnson annual reports reflect data from previous year(s) for certain measures. See chart below.